Welcome to the 2023 Michelin Charity Golf Tournament!  We are proud to partner with Titleist & FootJoy for this year's player gift.  After logging into the virtual store, please select your desired gift package, input your shipping address (no P.O. boxes, please), click "Place Order," and you will receive a confirmation email when finished.  NOTE: If your desired style is not available in your preferred size/width, please select a different style as the site operates on real-time availability.

You must select your items no later than Monday, October 9th (one week from date of event).  If you are an international participant -- including Canada -- please stop here.  Due to shipping requirments, your gift experience will be via the pro shop of the golf course in which you are playing on Monday, October 2nd.  Please see the tournament committee for details.  If you have any questions, please contact the Greenville Country Club (Riverside) golf shop at 864-233-6227.

* * * Please proceed by scrolling down and entering the password that was provided to you (case-sensitive). * * *


Greenville CC Professional Staff
Store is not currently available!